Originally published September 2021. The value of a creation is only that which we give it. Millions of people across our planet fervently believe in the righteousness of their...

Originally published September 2021. The value of a creation is only that which we give it. Millions of people across our planet fervently believe in the righteousness of their...
…and we simply don’t care enough. Originally published October 2021. The publication of the 3,949 page Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis Report in early August...
…and we simply don’t care enough. The publication of the 3,949 page Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis Report in early August elicited many different comments from...
Originally published June 2021. The costs have been exaggerated and the benefits are ones that every modern society should welcome. There has been a lot written lately about...
Originally published January 2021. The way we educate our school-leavers needs to change. I can recall being staggered, when first working in the US, by how much personal debt...
Some of you may remember Steven Bradbury, the Australian short-track speed skater, in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The unlikely finalist – he’d snuck through...