Originally published August 2017. David Hill begins his series on the status of the horseracing industry. This is the first in a series of four articles on the history of British...
About David Hill
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The history and economics of British racecourses
Originally published August 2017. David Hill begins his series on the status of the horseracing industry.
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Getting an edge in racing – Trueshan’s triumph at Ascot
Continuing our series on horse race syndicates, how sometimes tearing up the best-laid plans can lead to the greatest of luck. The previous four articles on getting an edge in...
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Towcester: a charming but challenged racecourse
What might the future hold for this independent racecourse?
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Getting an edge – structuring and managing a syndicate
This is the last of four articles on how to develop an edge in the world of racehorse syndication. Previous articles covered the trials, triumphs and tribulations of racehorse...
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Getting an edge – choosing your trainer and bloodstock agent
This is the third article in our series on how to develop an edge in the world of racehorse syndication. The first two articles reviewed the trials, triumphs and tribulations of...