If you live in West London, you probably know the drill by now. You check your route in the morning, hoping that, just maybe, your journey might be slightly less torturous than...
About John Gallagher
Green Chronicle
I’m not an estate agent…. I’m a surveyor
When people ask what I do for a living, my response, “I’m a commercial surveyor,” often elicits a nod of understanding, quickly followed by, “Oh, so you’re an estate agent…. I don’t like estate agents.” It’s a common misconception, but one that highlights a broader issue of public perception
Green Chronicle
Generation skiver
Recently, I have spotted a not-insignificant-amount of articles accusing younger workers of finding any excuse under the sun to avoid coming in to work. Personally, I’m someone...
Green Chronicle
Should young people care about the recession?
Did you hear that the UK was in recession was a question that popped up at the pub in the last week or so. The resounding replies were “and waters wet.” A generation of young...
Green Chronicle
650 monkeys walk into the commons.
The start of an incredible joke or the subject of Banksy’s 2009 Devolved Parliament. Either way we’re losing patience, across party lines, of the chimpanzees in suits who are...
Investor's Notebook
The disconnect between real estate’s diversity policies and young professionals
In recent years, there has been a significant push for diversity and inclusion in various industries. The real estate industry, like many others, has taken steps to ensure that...