Martin Hoesli holds a PhD in Finance and is Professor of Real Estate and Finance at the Universities of Geneva (Switzerland) and Aberdeen (UK). He has written six books and over 120 scholarly articles on real estate. He is past president of the International Real Estate Society (IRES) and of the European Real Estate Society (ERES), and a board member of the Swiss Financial Analyst Association (SFAA) and of the European Commercial Real Estate Data Alliance (E-CREDA). He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and a Hoyt Academic Fellow of the Maury Seldin Advanced Studies Institute. He has been a visiting scholar at many universities worldwide and is on the editorial board of many international real estate journals. He serves on the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) research committee.
Louis Johner is Research Assistant in Real Estate at the Geneva Finance Research Institute of the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He is pursuing his doctoral studies in the field of real estate investment within the PhD in Finance programme of the University of Geneva. His research focuses on the risk and return characteristics of commercial real estate investments. He worked previously as an investment analyst and in various capacities in the real estate industry. In these positions, he covered investments across several asset classes, both on public and private markets. He is also a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA).