On changing clocks, Folkestone and the future of agriculture.

On changing clocks, Folkestone and the future of agriculture.
This dastardly 'Chinese Virus' has challenged us all. 'Lock down' (we used to call it 'Lock up' at school) creates new initiatives and priorities, passions, promises and...
'Let's talk of graves' Richard Il iii ii. This is a property magazine and what more valuable, long lasting piece of real estate can be bought than a burial plot. Once...
It's the time of year when my loyal half dozen readers expect a missive from the far end of the world. Usually a disaster, natural or man made accompanies my travels and this...
When winter bites, there are few better places to escape to than New Zealand. I’m just not too sure about the names of the sports teams. ‘Tall Blacks’ and ‘White Caps’ anyone? A...
Dear Editor, I promised to pen a few points about family farm inheritance from a very personal and ill informed perspective, and below are some anecdotes on the subject. "I'm not...