...and from place to place. The third of a four-part mini-series written by economist Savvas Savouri. Housing matters are a crucial component in the composition of our regional...
About Savvas Savouri
The Economist
Part II: The UK economy over time (’23-’30)…
...and from place to place. Part two of a three-part mini-series written by economist Savvas Savouri. I claim that UK regions with established and comparatively large...
The Economist
The UK economy over time (’23-’30)…
...and from place to place. Part one of a three-part mini-series written by economist Savvas Savouri. If I were seeking an analogy for how best to forecast what awaits the UK...
Golden Oldie
Working out: the UK economy
Originally published November 2021. It has been said and written with such earnest despair to have become practically axiomatic: 22 will prove a year of acute pressure on...
The Fund Manager
Why I am a sterling bull: part two
Am I availing myself of any old sterling excuse? In the interregnum between voting to leave the EU and actually doing so, I claimed the UK’s final exit would prove largely...
The Fund Manager
Why I am a sterling bull
The investment drama of a-weighting currency change. I was presented very recently with a piece of investment bank ‘research’ that made a bold change in recommendation. The piece...