Investors and investment managers overseeing global real estate portfolios face constant challenges due to an uncertain global macroeconomic environment and structural shifts...
About Zoltan Szelyes
The Analyst
Inflation and property returnsPremium
For decades, there has been a debate over whether property investments serve as an inflation hedge or they are instead a “perverse” hedge. During the recent low inflation era,...
The Analyst
Indirect real estate for single-family offices
Having the proper framework is critical to benefit from the current repricing. Single-family offices are a heterogeneous group of investors and differ in various categories; in...
Investor's Notebook
Suburbia strikes back
City centres and suburbs have been subject to both centripetal and centrifugal forces in modern times. During the first four decades after World War II, rapidly growing...
The Analyst
What now after Draghi, WeWork and Thomas Cook?
Could this year be an inflection point for three key structural trends in the UK and European real estate markets? The evolution of the European real estate markets is...