The day after Thanksgiving is known as ‘Black Friday’ in the USA and I am confident that most people have no idea why it is called that. So, for those who don’t know, let me tell you.

The Fund Manager

The capital allocators examine trends in the sector
The day after Thanksgiving is known as ‘Black Friday’ in the USA and I am confident that most people have no idea why it is called that. So, for those who don’t know, let me tell you.
“I have little doubt that with excess savings, new stimulus savings, huge deficit spending, more QE, a new potential infrastructure bill, a successful vaccine and euphoria around...
Originally published in March 2021. Like many readers, I took advantage of the best snow in years to go sledging with my daughters. As Daddy bombed down the hill like Bowser in...
Originally published in April 2021. Needless to say, covid-19 has caused significant dislocations in all aspects of our daily lives. One of these has been a major shift in...
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations among global real estate investors and their stakeholders have gained traction over the past few years due to the...
The UK’s sailed through many a rough patch and come out all the better – so Brexit’s not a worry! But why the hell can’t we win the America’s Cup? After too many years in the...
This article was originally published in December 2020.. The spring lockdown did not stop UK M&A in its tracks, but activity slowed. Faced with the fog of economic...
This article was originally published in January 2021. Traditionally, real estate was often viewed as little more than a downside hedge for a diversified portfolio. This reflects...
Working at home is something many of us have got used to – maybe too used to – over the past year. In a strange way we are recapitulating the experience of our ancestors. For...
The 60th week of a long holiday is about to start. France, the single most visited tourist venue on the planet, is having a vacation – from tourism. In 2019, France sat at the...