The day after Thanksgiving is known as ‘Black Friday’ in the USA and I am confident that most people have no idea why it is called that. So, for those who don’t know, let me tell you.

The Fund Manager

The capital allocators examine trends in the sector
The day after Thanksgiving is known as ‘Black Friday’ in the USA and I am confident that most people have no idea why it is called that. So, for those who don’t know, let me tell you.
Consumers won’t turn back from e-commerce now – so what do institutional investors need to know about the logistics property market? The influence of e-commerce on the daily life...
There are naturally those sceptical of any new way of thinking or challenge to the status quo. The notion of universal basic income (UBI) as a panacea to what ails society is of...
While some argue that covid-19 measures are the start of a permanent new universal basic income (UBI) to mitigate the risk that societies are entirely torn apart, others see UBI...
With each economic crisis that has hit since 2008, we have witnessed the central banks of many developed nations engaging in ever more voluminous quantitative easing. Against...
China’s position on the world stage is changing rapidly as it moves to become a strategic competitor to incumbent economic powerhouses. Not least because of the recent trade...
The global financial crisis had a significant influence on the present tax framework – so how might the battering now being taken by state finances manifest itself in tax policy?...
In the early years of my career, I wanted to start my own business. Stories of entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley captured my imagination, and in 1994 I took the plunge. In 2000...
China’s position on the world stage is changing rapidly as it moves to become a strategic competitor to incumbent economic powerhouses. Not least because of the recent trade...
This booming sector can help drive the UK recovery – and it’s hungry for space. The search for a covid-19 vaccine has shone a light on the life sciences sector and the many...