Progressive dividend stocks often sell branded consumer goods, but sometimes they’re found in the most unlikely places and Bodycote is a good example of that.
Investor’s Notebook
The latest thoughts from the buy side of real estate investment
Investor's Notebook
The UAE – Geared to lead
A global economic crisis, rising regional political tensions, and a dismal outlook to the macro economic stance all make for an exceptionally tumultuous atmosphere to navigate...
Investor's Notebook
Investing in Polish Commercial Property 2
Since the peak of the property cycle in 2007, First Property Group plc has grown its net asset value at an annualised rate of some 25% per annum and either maintained or...
Investor's Notebook
The View from Berkeley Square
The UK results season for the March year ends has not generated much investor interest - to the extent a frustrated senior equity fund manager confronted me as I walked past...
Investor's Notebook
Desert Diary Month 4
If your perception of business in the Middle East is one of men in sunglasses discussing arms deals and oil trades, then you’d be wrong. Well, that’s not to say this doesn’t go...
Investor's Notebook
Investing in Polish Commercial Property 1
My company, First Property Group plc, is an active investor in Poland, having commenced our operations there shortly after it joined the EU in 2004. Not many investors have...
Investor's Notebook
Free enterprise is the solution to South Africa’s problems
In 1986, a well-known African-American economist travelled to South Africa for a conference on the role of business in helping to overcome racial divisions in that country. Three...
Investor's Notebook
Euro property investor – April 2018
I have been active in the European real estate markets for over 30 years with a focus on the more liquid north-western countries. I have worked for agencies (Knight Frank and...
Investor's Notebook
Desert Diary: Month 3
As Sydney Harbour fills up with the tears of lachrymose cricketers, transgressors of a law of the game, rather than of the land, one can’t help but think how hysterical the...
Investor's Notebook
Lending Smart In 2018
Comparing returns, and risk, for debt markets across Europe has historically been nigh-on impossible due to a lack of data. But new research from CBRE will help existing and new...