Since the time of Noah, demographics has always been a friend of real estate. The English economist Malthus made a name for himself by postulating that while food supplies grow arithmetically, population expands exponentially, ultimately leading to food shortages, political strife, and war. While...
The Professor
Russia’s Africa policy: geopolitics and commercial interests
On 23 October 2019, the Russian Federation organised the Russia-Africa Summit to initiate greater cooperation between Russia and the sovereign states of Africa. The summit...
The Fund Manager
Not all inflationistas wear flares
Investors have divided into two camps. Those who believe inflation will subside and the rise in prices will prove temporary, and others who fear we are entering a period of high...
The Professor
We can’t afford to just build greener
We must build less. As the built environment takes centre stage at COP26, the scale and urgency of the climate crisis and of the industry’s responsibility to...
The Professor
Property investment: is it still worth it?
An understanding of people is the answer to this question. It’s funny how the past two years have changed our perception of life. Although this article is about the pricing of...
The Professor
Asia, not the US, is the main source of global warming
President Biden once hoped to attend the 31 October start of the Glasgow UN Climate Conference having signed a massive new package of climate-related spending. A New York...
The Economist
Green lending
World’s biggest banks’ latest initiative at COP26 is a step backwards. Over 450 of the world’s banks have committed to a new initiative at the COP26 UN Climate Change...
The Analyst
The Big Apple’s post-Covid trajectory
From emptying out to filling back up, New York City is changing. New York’s real estate market has moved from epicentre to bellwether. In early 2020, the city was regarded as at...
The Economist
Green jobs are a cost, not a benefit
The International Energy Agency recently reported that shifting to clean energy will create between 13 and 26 million jobs by 2030. They present this as a benefit, but...
The Economist
What if a great crypto crash is coming?
In 1929, Ludwig von Mises rejected a job offer for a high position at the Austrian bank Kreditanstalt. He believed that a great crash was coming and didn’t want his name...