In teaching property market economics, we try to emphasise the importance of dynamic interactions across markets. Sometimes, In the occupier market, businesses compete for space, with supply and demand determining rents. Those rents pass into the investment market and are converted to capital...
The Professor
Our professorial contributors illuminate the latest academic research in real estate and economic policy
The Professor
Investing in UK PLC: A third way
Like all economies, the UK needs better infrastructure in order to function more efficiently. It also needs more infrastructure in order to provide more people with essential...
The Professor
Reconciling DCF and Cap Rate ModellingPremium
Discounted cash flow (DCF) modelling seems to be emerging as a mainstream valuation procedure in the United Kingdom. The November 2023 RICS paper “calls for…greater consideration...
The Professor
The Real Estate New Normal: Grappling with the S in ESGPremium
“The only constant is change, everything else is a variable” Heraclitus, 535 BC. The mantra above is one of my favourite quotes which I have referenced throughout my real estate...
The Professor
Can valuers call the market? Part twoPremium
In the last Property Chronicle, we considered a simple conceptual framework for assessing market mispricing. This involved comparing the market cap rate (K) with a cap rate...
The Professor
Will the Bank sabotage Labour’s growth ambitions?Premium
The decision by the Bank of England’s rate-setting committee to reduce Bank Rate from 5.25% to 5% on 31 July was clearly a nail-biting affair, succeeding by the narrowest of...
The Professor
How did my 2020 forecasts work out?Premium
Centuries are a bit like late-blooming teenagers; they don’t really develop their full character until their mid-twenties. The electric, modern age of the 20th century didn’t...
The Professor
Are benchmarks still reliable?Premium
The investor's conundrum. The first quarter of the 21st century has been a rough ride for financial markets and consequently for the investors that they serve. Is there any good...
The Professor
Why does pricing stray from fundamentals?PREMIUM
I’ve taken part in industry events recently discussing target rates, discount rates, hurdle rates and their relationship to yields—partly in the context of the RICS recommendations on use of DCF in valuations following the Pereira-Gray report.
The Professor
Can valuers call the market?Premium
It is also tempting to look backwards to see what the delivered risk premium has been on real estate over time.