Property fund managers are currently under significant pressure. The current higher interest rate environment, sustainability necessities and the macro and micro impact of technology have all delivered challenges. More fundamentally, their core business has shifted, and it is not obvious that they...
The Professor
Our professorial contributors illuminate the latest academic research in real estate and economic policy
The Professor
The supermarket business model is too fragile to shield customers from rising food prices. Food prices, like almost everything else, are rising fast. There have recently...
The Professor
Buy the discounts
Last year’s mantra was something for everyone, from duration income streams with inflation-linked dividend growth all the way down to deep recovery hopes in retail. The sector...
The Professor
A Drinking Man’s Guide to Monetary Policy
There is an old expression – to drive someone to drink – which means to annoy them to distraction. My favourite version of it is George Thorogood and the Destroyers’, “Son,...
The Professor
Will housing offer a good hedge against inflation?
If certain criteria are met, this writer thinks so. For those who are persuaded that we are still in the early stages of an inflationary resurgence, rather than the mature phase...
The Professor
The true cost of a hamburger
The United States Federal Government spends $38bn every year subsidising the meat and dairy industries. Research from 2015 shows this subsidisation reduces the...
The Professor
Russia’s weaponisation of natural gas could backfire by destroying demand for it
In December 2006, The Economist magazine published a cover drawing of Russian president Vladimir Putin, dressed like a 1930s gangster in a dark suit and fedora hat, under the...
The Professor
Is it all over for real estate?
Welcome to the Zoomaverse (and you are welcome to it). Mark Twain is famously credited with saying: “Buy land, they’re not making it any more.” And then along came the metaverse....
The Professor
Learning street-corner economics in London
As an economics professor, one concern I have long had is that I don’t want to limit how I train students to manipulate mathematical expressions which are typically unknowable to...
The Professor
Putin’s Russia: people increasingly identify with the Soviet Union – here’s what that means
The view that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, wants to restore territories of the Soviet Union has been a big part of the commentary on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But...