In 1604, the English judge Sir Edward Coke declared that “the house of everyone is to him as his Castle and Fortress.” The intervening years turned the saying to “and Englishman’s home is his castle.” With apologies to the Scots, Irish and Welsh, it is perhaps not surprising that the widespread...
The Professor
Our professorial contributors illuminate the latest academic research in real estate and economic policy
The Professor
Are you ‘wasting’ paper?
I’m a heretic in a world where environmentalism is a leading religion. I think it’s OK to use a lot of paper and I generally ignore the little exhortation at the bottom of so...
The Professor
Why the professionals should learn more about China’s real estate markets
China is huge: 1.4 billion people live in a country covering 3.68 million sq mi, with over 850 million people living in cities. Half of this urban population resides in roughly...
The Professor
The failure of Imperial College modelling is far worse than we knew
A fascinating exchange played out in the UK’s House of Lords on 2 June 2020. Neil Ferguson, the physicist from Imperial College London who created the main epidemiology model...
The Professor
Playing fast and loose with numbers
Journalism is hard. To portray the world accurately to a lay audience without delving into the complexities and nuances of the universe we inhabit, writers must always simplify,...
The Professor
Why specialised real estate is a better investment strategy
While institutional investors of the 1990s preferred passive investment vehicles with a diversified portfolio of multiple real estate sectors, recent real estate investment...
The Professor
Porcelain and the making of the modern world
When Marco Polo returned to Europe from his journey around Asia he brought back many things. One that attracted much attention at the time and went on to have a profound...
The Professor
New York’s fiscal suicide
The state of New York is an economic disaster area. New York is ranked #50 in the Economic Freedom of North America.New York is ranked #48 in...
The Professor
India’s impending war on crypto
A senior official in the Indian government recently revealed to Reuters that the government would soon propose a law banning the trade and possession of cryptocurrencies. India...
The Professor
A trillion here, a trillion there
The late Everett Dirksen, a long-serving Minority Leader of the Republicans in the US Senate, is famously quoted as saying a billion here, a billion there, and soon we’re talking...