‘Wilful blindness’ describes the phenomenon of human beings not seeing what they don’t want to see. Not looking too hard might be another way of putting it. You and I can think of several examples if we try.
It’s that time of year again. Sun sea, sand etc. Time for the European Property Industry to have some paid play time. Another profession allegedly does quite well that week too.
I really don’t understand how the annual pilgrimage to the South of France is still on the agenda for the UK Property Profession. It shouldn’t be. Being charitable, Mipim is a major international property conference and in the old days we argued we all had to be there because everyone else was. Over 20,000 each year I believe.
I also went many years ago, and quickly learned the best return came from letting others drink a lot more than me and then I would ask them a lot of pertinent questions. Often worked a treat. It doesn’t work quite so well in Mayfair these days I have found. But that is a poor justification for going today and I haven’t for many years now. I haven’t missed it.
Mipim stokes the coffers of many parties, none less than Mipim itself of course. Wouldn’t it be nice to know how much profit they make? The true value-add to the British property market participant must be extremely limited, save for the fear of missing a party perhaps. Taking environmental, social, reputation and governance aspects into account, which we all must do today, I really can’t see Mipim as a net positive overall.
The UK property profession is being wilfully blind, though I take my hat off to those that cycle there whilst raising money for charity. Good for them. Words fail me though when it comes to UK tax-payer money, or RICS membership fees, being spent on this annual junket which funds Reed Midem (now RX France). Surely there’s a clue there as to what Mipim is really all about? More questions in Parliament and of RICS leadership please.
When will fund managers start marking the agents down for being our Scope 3 Emissions? When will the agents mark the fund managers down for sponsoring the event? Why is it necessary to be a gold sponsor?
Is there anyone out there willing to tell us what they spend on Mipim, including their Emissions? When will someone take a stand and say ‘we are not going’ next year? Kudos to them for being first I would say. What about those with a stock market listing? Might be the first time I would cheer the saying ‘ONE OUT, ALL OUT!’.
If we are all serious about doing life differently and saving the old world as we know it, we need to see that Mipim is just that, old world. Come on people. Stay at home, do some deals, and give some money to charity.